... Heldrungen; Heldrungen (Forstgutsbezirk); Helfta; Helmsdorf; Hemleben; Hemsendorf; Hergisdorf; Heringen; Hermann-Schacht; Hermerode; Herrengosserstedt; Herrmannsacker; Hettstedt; Heuckewalde; Hezberg an der Elster; Hilkenschwende; Hillmersdorf; Hinsdorf ..... GenealogyBlog is sponsored by our favorite hotel in Salt Lake City - the Salt Lake Plaza Hotel. It's next door to the library! Check out their Genealogy Specials by clicking on the photo. Leland & Patty Meitzler ...
februar 1585 in wittenberg, the daughter of the last landowner, euphrosina, married, after the death of her father the good bhemsendorf/b inherited hatte. nur the deckmntelchen fr motive. sie appears quite different since, ...